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Should know, Tips to Keep Children From Pornographic Content

Lately the parents are unsettled by the news that the WhatsApp application can easily display the content of pornography that is easily accessible to anyone. Including the youth and children users of the messenger app.


Pornography itself is an issue that is long enough to be thing that is often kept away from children too young. It is no wonder parents panic when out there preaching about the more easy it is to children and adolescents accessing pornographic content through the app WhatsApp.

Disquiet is felt not only from parents who have teenage children, but also who have a child younger. Prevention of this is not only through technical means that can be controlled parents, because no parent is perfect that 24 hours can keep an eye on her children.

For that, community parenting, Three Generations of the give you tips so that parents can alienate the child from content that is pornographic.

One way the most important is to foster self-control of the child to help her in the future limit or mem-the filter itself to good things and not good for his chosen.

Not only that, make it a habit to also the fruit of the heart smoothly perform communication with parents early on. Can through open discussion age appropriate with the child when there is a case related to pornography that occurs in the vicinity.

Then that is not less important also, avoid criticism when the child is perceived to events in the vicinity. Give an understanding of the dangers of pornography according to age (via a video or article educational), teach the child browsing the aims so that the child does not the internet without direction.

"Discussing pornography, it is equally important as discussing other issues in the world of children and adolescents. Note the extent to which the child's knowledge during the discussion to avoid discussion that is not necessary," wrote the community in your account Instagram.


This community also provides tips to reduce the possibility of the child being exposed to content cover up. The following tips are for You.

  1. Use the filters and parental lock on the gadgets that kids have access to
  2. Keep an eye on and consumption of the first spectacle or games played children, so that parents can know whether the content is suitable for the age of the child
  3. Charge HP in-room child parents to know the activities that occur on the HP of the child
  4. If the child has a social media account, parents should be able to see also access it
  5. Check periodically the websites which is accessible to a child

Source : Download WhatsApp 2019